About us
A look inside the world of Kameha Grand Bonn
Kameha Grand Bonn
Architecture, design, furnishings: At the Kameha Grand Bonn everything you see and experience is of first-class quality, but what the heart really desires goes beyond that. It is a sense of awareness which we create for our guests. An experience of serene, intimate, delight, mixed with posh yet relaxed vibes.
The Kameha Grand Bonn is your favourite place to unwind and renew your quality of life, a place to let go and be taken care of and for our team at the Kameha Grand Bonn what really matters is the smile, your smile.
Our service is informal, relaxed and individual. From shopping to event tickets to the restaurant visit, our guest service team lets their guests play, shares their insider tips and makes your visit a special experience.
The internationally renowned designer Marcel Wanders has created a potential favourite spot for the guest in every square meter of the Kameha Grand Bonn. With neo-Baroque and detail-loving interior architecture, Wanders emphasises the uniqueness of the Kameha Grand Bonn as one of the best hotels in Germany, thus creating a "place that is sexy and cool".
"A hotel should entertain, inspire and stimulate, so it needs a design that supports those qualities. We wanted to give the guest an absolute life & style feeling by creating a place full of surprises and beauty. "(Marcel Wanders)
The well-known architect Karl-Heinz Schommer creates a distinctive appearance for the Kameha Grand Bonn with its unique view of the Rhine.
The dynamic silhouette of the building with its curves and carved roof terraces gives the hotel its distinctive look and feel. Thus creating one of the most extraordinary design hotels in Germany.
"The Kameha Dome is reminiscent of the generosity of the English glass halls and the European passages of the 19th century." (Karl-Heinz Schommer)